ADA Accessible Electronic Theses and Dissertations

The main goal of this pilot project is making incoming Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) and Honors Theses more ADA accessible. This will involve collecting data and developing templates, style guides, instruction materials, and workflows in collaboration with the Graduate School and Honors in the Major program. Addressing accessibility issues in historical ETDs is out of scope for this initiative but may be worth exploring in the future.
Initiative Leads
Rachel Smart, former Digital Scholarship Repository Specialist
January 2022
The final set of data on honors theses submissions is collected. With all data collected, a final report on the pilot project with analysis will be compiled and shared.

July 2021
*New accessibility guidelines are added to the Honors in the Major Handbook
*Honors Theses submissions for Spring 2021 are reviewed and data collected.
*Initiated conversations with the Graduate School about updating ETD submission requirements to include captions and transcripts for audio/visual content.
*Started analyzing accessibility compliance data from Spring 2021 Honors Thesis submissions.
*Approval obtained from Honors in the Major program to update their program handbook for Summer 2021 with new accessibility information.