Off-Campus Support and Services

Library eResources

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OneSearch: Search through many resources at once using our OneSearch tool. Whether you are looking for an eBook or searching broadly by subject or keyword, OneSearch is a great place to start your searching. OneSearch is also a good place to find items by citation - just paste the citation right into the search box.

Databases A-Z List: If you know which database you are looking for, use this list to find the specific database by title.

Journal Search: This tool allows you to find journals by title or subject.

Interlibrary Loan & UBorrow: Interlibrary Loan & UBorrow allow for lending and borrowing from other institutions within the state of Florida as well as around the world to provide access to books, articles, and book chapters beyond our FSU collection.

HathiTrust Digital Library: Through HathiTrust, we can provide access to copyright material for patrons with print disabilities, which includes low vision, blindness, dyslexia, and ADHD. To request material(s), please register with the Office of Accessibility Services; then, email the library accessibility team with the title and edition of your request.

The FSU Digital Repository: Our digital library provides online access to thousands of unique and historical materials held in Special Collections & Archives, as well as the products of original research by the FSU community.

Student Services

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Research Help: Reference and general research assistance is available online through our Ask Us chat and email service. For more in-depth research help, including research consultations on Zoom or by phone, please contact your subject librarian or use our request form.

Self-Guided Resources: Our librarians have created helpful guides on using FSU Libraries online resources and services as well as general research guidance. Check out our many Research Guides and our collection of Videos & Tutorials for assistance anytime, anywhere.

Tutoring: Late night tutoring is available on a variety of subjects as well as online tutoring services.

Digital Research & Scholarship (DRS): Contact DRS for help with questions about academic publishing, open access, digital humanities, and the use of innovative technologies in scholarly research.

Faculty Services

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Instruction: Librarians are available to support classes with instruction and research help while classes meet remotely. In addition to research skills, we can help you identify online, open, or primary source resources to use in your online teaching. To request library instruction, please reach out to your subject librarian or fill out a request form. Our digital research team also provides remote instruction as needed.

Research Help: Reference and general research assistance is available online through our Ask Us. For more in-depth research help, including research consultations on Zoom or by phone, please contact your subject librarian or use our request form.

Library Support in Canvas: We've gone beyond the physical libraries to seamlessly integrate our services and resources right into the Canvas dashboard and your course site. Learn more about our Libraries courses, subject-specific Library Tools available in all course sites, our library instruction module, and more in our FSU Libraries & Canvas Integration.

Digitization and Copyright Questions: FSU Librarians are available to consult about copyright and digitization questions that you may face as you shift to online teaching. Please contact your subject librarian or the Office of Digital Research and Scholarship for more information. If you are interested in using digitized materials from FSU Special Collections & Archives, please email Special Collections (

Streaming Media: If you are interested in using our streaming media resources in your online courses, please check out Streaming Media in Your Course for guidance on finding streaming resources and models that best suit your course material needs. You may also wish to consult or use GEOSET Services, who provide creative media solutions for faculty and staff.

Digital Research & Scholarship (DRS): Contact DRS for help with questions about academic publishing, open access, digital humanities, and the use of innovative technologies in scholarly research.

Off-Campus Authentication

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When you are off-campus, you will automatically be asked to login using your FSUID and password whenever you choose a link from our website or resources. You should login using the same credentials you use to log into Canvas and your FSU webmail. A VPN is not recommended for accessing library resources off-campus.

If you are having issues or problems with off-campus access, please use our form for Feedback and Problem Reports.