What's on this page:

Local, federal, and international government information are foundational to everyday activities and civic responsibilities and participations. Find out more ways the government is involved in our everyday lives.
Census 2020 Resources: Links to resources from the U.S. Census Bureau on topics ranging the importance of the data, to ways to respond, to how the Bureau protects your data.
Pandemic Response Accountability Committee: The federal Offices of Inspector General oversight of pandemic fund distribution and program management. This page is intended to provide up to date publications and news on emergency funds, strategic legislation, and contact information related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
coronavirus.gov: Official U.S. Government COVID-19 information page. Find a testing location, check for symptoms, and resources for schools, businesses, healthcare professionals, and emergency management personnel.

Government information comes in many formats and covers a diversity of topics and disciplines that are great sources for your research. Learn more about U.S. Census data, technical reports, legislation, and executive branch papers.

Government information enhances our understanding about the workings of government in ways that encourage discussion and participation in public issues. Learn more about how to find local, national, and international government information on topics such as how governments work, what they do, and how you can participate.
Voting and Elections (USA.gov): Answers to common questions about voting in the United States, including links to State and local elections websites.
FSU Votes: Florida State University's website for all voter needs. This site includes links to register to vote, information on ballot measures and candidates, and requests for vote-by-mail ballots.