Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Web Development, Digital Infrastructure, FSU's Department of Psychology, and Florida Center for Reading Research
LDbase has been live for over a year now. We have been making quality of life, usability, and accessibility improvements to the site, guided by Mason Hall's usability testing. The researchers have been collecting and adding data.
The Psych Team has given numerous conference talks and posters. The Web Development team presented at the international Open Repositories 2022 conference (https://doi.org/10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.20061098.V1).
We can see that data is getting downloaded. For example, Project KIDS has a dataset that has been downloaded 20 times (you can see user metrics on each product stored on LDbase, i.e., ldbase.org/datasets/a102b645-3eb3-40e9-891f-982611f62107. LDbase is also getting recognized as a trusted and credible source for data, getting listed in fairsharing.org, also on the NIH website of Open Domain-Specific Data Sharing Repositories, as well as being listed in the new IES Practice Guide on data sharing.
Transformation Script for Creating MARC Records for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)
Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Alex Chisum and Annie Glerum
Working on a process developed by Annie Glerum, Alex Chisum created an XSLT transformation script to derive MARC records from ProQuest metadata and PDF cover pages for electronic theses and dissertations.
By creating MARC records for electronic theses and dissertations and uploading the records into Alma and OCLC WorldCat, researchers at FSU have easier access to these resources. Additionally, the research conducted by FSU graduate students can reach a wider audience.
Alex has integrated the process into his current workflow for creating ETD records, and several semesters' worth of MARC records have already been created. He is currently working on processing the backlog of ETD MARC so that all past semesters will be more widely available.
Migrating Databases A-Z index to Springshare
Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
The project team of Adam Beauchamp, Favenzio Calvo, Liz Dunne, Mason Hall, Kyung Kim, Jessica Barmon, Ted Power, and Scott Schmucker; the Electronic Resources unit in Resource Management & Discovery Services, with special thanks to Ted Power who did the lion's share.
With valuable insight and planning from the migration team, our e-resources team migrated the Databases A-Z index, a catalog and access point for our electronic collections, from the old Drupal-based library website into the SpringShare (libguides) product. We updated the linking, descriptions, and subjects of over seven hundred resources, and communicated the changes to the Library and our stakeholders.
Ease of access to our resources, ease of maintenance, elimination of redundancies, and bringing the library up to the same level of service as our academic library peers.
We could not measure usage before the migration, so being able to measure usage is itself a win. Our e-resources team now fully maintains the index, saving time and effort across departments.
Migrating e-resource authentication to OpenAthens
Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
The Electronic Resources team in esource Management & Discovery Services
Working with EBSCO and FLVC, our team migrated our primary e-resource authentication tool from EZproxy to OpenAthens. This required coordination with over two hundred vendors, updating hundreds of resource links, and extensive testing. The e-resources team also took on a leading role in authentication that previously belonged to Technology & Digital Scholarship.
Ease of access to our electronic collections for the entire community; users can find our content at the publisher platforms without going through the library first. OpenAthens also allows the user to move between resource platforms without additional logins. The Libraries have greater control over individual accounts, to help with authentication problems and reports of possible abuse.
Huge numbers of accessions of our licensed content directly on vendor platforms without forcing the users to go through the library's catalog or A-Z pages.
Sunshine State Digital Network's (SSDN) Harvest Infrastructure Development
Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Matthew Miguez, Keila Zayas-Ruiz, the SSDN Implementation Team
Redevelopment of SSDN data harvesting pipelines to be hosted and controlled inside Apache Airflow--ETL (Extract Transform Load) software.
Stand up Airflow on AWS; redesigned SSDN data pipelines to work in Airflow; re-engineered back-end data service libraries (pymods & manatus) to support new environment; successful November 2022 harvest.