Accomplishments: Planning & Assessment

Marketing Plan

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community

Marketing & Communications Department

The Marketing & Communications Department created a three-year marketing plan to better define its mission, audience, services, and goals. This plan has guided our communications strategies to promote FSU Libraries.

Through this plan, we have been able to utilize impactful marketing strategies.

Success for this accomplishment means effective promotions of libraries services and resources. This has been measured by blog and social media analytics, number of media pieces published each year; amount of promotional material we create; and overall happiness and awareness of the libraries by colleagues in the library and on campus.

Where Are They Now Project

Strategic Alignment
Invest in People

Administrative Services team members: Seol Lim, Kirsten Kinsley, and Andje Louis from Assessment; and Meagan Bonnell and Nikki Morse from Marketing & Communications.

Interviewed ten individuals who were former student employees of the libraries about their experiences working for the library by asking about the challenges and benefits of those experiences.We learned how it affected their current career choices and paths and how we might improve the work experiences of current/future employees.

Presented at a regional assessment conference, wrote an FSU Libraries blog post, and made some enhancements to the work environment based on the findings. This provided opportunities for student employees to lead meetings (e.g., presenting and participating in Senior Leadership co-led meetings about LibQUAL) and collaborate with other departments, such as Institutional Research, on dashboards. Currently writing an article for a student affairs journal highlighting the research and its findings.

The most significant accomplishment is the reflections on how meaningful working for the Libraries was for these alumni.  Feedback from former employees has helped inform what kinds of the job experiences and skills may be provided  to enhance the experiences of current student employees. All interviewees reported that they applied the knowledge, skills, and abilities they learned while working in the Libraries to their current work.  Some of the benefits they reported were the opportunity to work with real-life data, to apply skills they learned in the classroom toward real-life solutions, and to obtain professional competencies and technical skills not taught in the classroom. Half of the participants are BIPOC and First-Gen Alum women who are data scientists and leaders in the STEM fields.

LibQUAL Analysis

Strategic Alignment
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community
Invest in People

Assessment Team members: Seol Lim, Andje Louis, and Jordan DeBenedictis

Analyzed in depth the findings from the results of the LibQUAL 2021 fall administration that were shared with stakeholders; in collaboration with ARL, we conducted an international study which explored expectation changes in the Dimension of Information Control post-Covid-19 among 16 institutions.

Presentation at the Library Assessment Conference; publishing a white paper in March 2023 to be posted on LibQUAL website; sharing results with all 16 institutions

Another success is that Assessment Team members who had never presented a poster at an international conference got to participate in the process. Team members learned coding in Python, analytical skills in R, and PowerBI.

Developing Community Standards for the Libraries

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Invest in People

Lindsey Wharton

Senior Leadership tasked a group to develop a library “code of conduct” to specify what people who use our Libraries are allowed to do in online and physical spaces, which we have relabeled as Community Standards. This work began with an environmental scan on code of conducts in academic libraries, critical discussion about underlying problems with existing codes (such as this article), and a commitment to develop a people-focused, inclusive set of community standards to improve our library environment in line with our organizational values. The Community Standards group drafted, received feedback, and implemented the Libraries’ Community Standards and additionally developed a set of supplemental recommendations for work needing to be done moving forward. This code was posted on the Libraries website as well as the Wiki which will include the employee-specific information.

The outcome of this project was the development of shared standards, collaborative discussion about values, and establishment of next steps in developing a safe and healthy community for our library environment.

Success will be measured by continued conversations amongst library staff and faculty, as well as our library community about the physical and online environment, expectations, and looking forward to how we can continue to improve to foster and support the academic community.