Accomplishments: Instruction

Fine Arts Instruction Program

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Promote Critical Thinking

Leah Sherman

In response to the demand for online instruction in 2020-21, Leah Sherman created an asynchronous instruction program for the College of Fine Arts. Built in Canvas, the course has been downloaded 91 times since August 2021. The online course has been well received by faculty and students, and it has opened up more time to collaborate with faculty and to lecture on more advanced or boutique topics. This course provides a model for subject librarians as we discuss the future of library instruction at FSU.

An asynchronous instruction program, built in Canvas, for the College of Fine Arts.

The course has been downloaded 91 times since August 2021, which means that it has been imported into a minimum of 91 different course sites (this does not take into account the number of times instructors simply copied the course from one semester to another).

Strategy and Business Policy

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Promote Critical Thinking

Trip Wyckoff

Collaborated with a College of Business professor to develop a new course, helped shape the syllabus and content of the course, and created a comprehensive guide with unique content for each week of the course. The guide received 5,559 hits during the fall 2022 semester (an average of 52 hits per day). Other faculty in the College of Business have asked Trip to collaborate with them in a similar manner.

Creation of a comprehensive course guide, including course assignments, case studies, course readings, and relevant research tutorials for each weekly module of the course.

The guide received 5,559 hits during the fall 2022 semester (an average of 52 hits per day). Other faculty in the College of Business have asked Trip to collaborate with them in a similar manner.

International Student Services

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community
Enhance Research & Scholarship, Invest in People

Kyung Kim and Nick Ruhs

Kyung Kim and Nick Ruhs organized a series of events to serve the unique needs of international scholars. They participated in the New International Student Orientation, created a welcome video for new students, developed and hosted workshops and writing sessions, and provided research consultations.

Participation in New International Student Orientation, creation of a welcome video, conducted workshops and writing sessions.

Will be tracking views on the welcome video and follow-up research consultations.

Centralizing Tutoring Services Through and Launching Online Tutoring

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community

Liz Dunne

Provided leadership in coordinating campus-wide partners who also provide tutoring services (Academic Center for Excellence, Center for Academic Retention and Engagement, and the Reading Writing Center) in the creation of to centralize information on all tutoring resources at FSU and enabling students to identify and access the academic support they need. Tutoring launched online tutoring through synchronous hours on Zoom and asynchronous modules to continue tutoring support during the shift to remote learning during COVID as well as students who are unable to attend in-person tutoring sessions.

The outcome of this is increased promotion, access, and coordination of our tutoring services.

Success has been measured through our online tutoring statistics, feedback from our tutors, as well as continued partnership across campus.

Integrating Library Instruction in UROP Colloquiums

Strategic Alignment
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Promote Critical Thinking

Lisa Play (lead), Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities (SSAH) and STEM Subject Librarians

While the Libraries have collaborated with the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) for many years, the redesigned subject-specific colloquium model provided an opportunity to rethink our library instruction to better fit the needs of the UROP students and align with the goals of the program. This led to the development of a new model of collaboration which included the creation of 19 subject-specific Canvas modules as well as the design of a coordinating in-person lesson to be implemented in partnership with the subject librarians for each colloquium.

The outcome of this program is a more valuable and relevant information literacy component to the UROP colloquiums, supporting students in their discipline-specific research endeavors.

Success has been measured through assessment gathered through students, UROP leaders, as well as our subject librarians.

Canvas Modules for Instruction

Strategic Alignment
Enhance Research & Scholarship

Kristin Hagaman, Rachel Duke and the Instruction Team

Maintenance and update of instructional modules in Canvas both in SCA Development Site and on the publicly-accessible Canvas Commons.

Updated and usable modules for asynchronous instruction, instruction session pre-work, and synchronous virtual sessions. This includes a general introduction module to be deployed in all Canvas sites of instructors with whome we collaborate.

Development of annual schedule of trainings for staff involved in desk service and positive feedback from researchers.        

Development of Annotated Lesson Plans for Instruction Sessions

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Enhance Research & Scholarship

Kristin Hagaman and Reference Assistants Team

Maintaining repository of annotated lesson plans for Special Collections & Archives (SCA) Instruction.

A repository of Annotated Special Collections & Archives (SCA) lesson plans.

We are now able to accommodate requests; there is a diversity in subjects and departments across instruction; and positive feedback received from course instructors.  

Planning and Execution of Instruction Sessions

Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Enhance Research & Scholarship

Special Collections & Archives (SCA) Instruction Team

Triaging of incoming instruction requests, negotiating schedule, soliciting collaborations, developing lesson plans and pull lists, and execution of instruction sessions.

Instruction sessions