Enhancing Online Learning at the Libraries with Articulate 360

Led by the Teaching, Learning & Engagement Instruction & Reference Unit, the Reference & Instruction Librarian and Library Instruction Specialist will use Articulate 360, a suite of e-learning authoring applications, to create online learning objects, such as web-based lessons and modules that can integrate with Canvas. This work will meet the information literacy-related instruction needs of FSU learners in an accessible and mobile-friendly format. We will also use the software to create asynchronous internal training materials. These materials will support employee onboarding processes as well as library-wide projects. Other library personnel will also be trained on how to use the software if they identify a need to create online learning materials related to their operations and areas of expertise.
Initiative Leads
Liz Dunne, Instruction and Reference Librarian
Lisa Play, Library Instruction Specialist
Based on evaluation data (both assessing the efficacy of the instruction by measuring how many learners met the stated learning objectives and assessing learners' attitudes towards the tutorial), we made substantial updates to our ENC2135 Library Research Basics Tutorial. We also conducted a focus group with ENC 2135 instructors to collect in-depth feedback on the tutorial to make further improvements to it. The tutorial continues to meet learner needs and be well received by students and instructors alike. In continuing to use this tutorial to cover more rote database instruction, we have been able to launch a new in-person synchronous instruction offering for ENC 2135 classes that is more discussion-based and allows learners to get personalized feedback while practicing research skills to complete their assignments. Outputs include significant updates made to all of our existing online instruction materials in response to collected assessment data. We have begun planning a new tutorial geared towards teaching learners about ethical attribution and citing sources in the major citation styles, and we have identified opportunities for developing content pertaining to AI and digital literacy. We have also started talks with our peers in charge of the new Dirac Media Suite about working together to create training materials instructing folks on how to utilize all the Suite's features.

In the last six months, the Teaching, Learning & Engagement Instruction & Reference Unit, the Reference & Instruction Librarian and Library Instruction Specialist have created and distributed multiple interactive tutorials with Articulate 360. These tutorials include ENC 2135 modules, a Reference Associate training module, a Crafting a Research Question for UROP students, and other projects in progress.