Against Liberty: A History of Book Banning in Florida
Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Community
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Promote Critical Thinking
Adam Beauchamp, Emory Gerlock, Rachel Duke, Devon McWhorter, and Laura Pellini
Adam Beauchamp, with the help of several colleagues, created and installed an exhibit on banned books on the main floor of Strozier Library. This wasn't your typical banned books display. Using letters, newspaper articles, government documents, and documentary film, he showed the history of how people in power have attempted to ban books and control information in the state of Florida. Three professors were particularly excited about the exhibit and asked Adam to include it in their library instruction sessions this fall. Three graduate seminars and one undergraduate course viewed and discussed the specific historical content and the research methods involved in mounting an exhibit of this kind.
Exhibit using letters, newspaper articles, government documents, and documentary film.
The exhibit was incorporated into three graduate courses and one undergraduate course.
Monographic Ordering and Approval Plan Review
Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Establish the Library as a Center of Intellectual Communit
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Departments: Social Science, Arts & Humanities, Science Librarians (SSAH). Monographs Individuals: All subject librarians. Committees: Collection Strategies & Services Committee, Monographic Ordering Review Project Team (Dan Schoonover, Adam Beauchamp, Renaine Julian, Mallary Rawls, Shelly Schmucker, Valerie Boulos, Mohamed Berray).
In an effort to streamline the monographic acquisitions process and reduce the amount of firm ordering by subject librarians, a subgroup of the Collection Strategies & Services Committee lead a project to review and update the approval plan profiles and consider evidence-based acquisitions (EBA) plans.
Ensures we are building local collections that best meet the research and teaching needs of our students and faculty; update domestic and foreign approval plans for current research and curricular needs; educe amount of time subject librarians spend on firm ordering.
Success looks like more space and seating for libraries users by adding 100+ additional seats, better wayfinding, and updated space more conducive to current user needs and expectations.
WWII Archives Move
Strategic Alignment
Enhance Research & Scholarship
Hannah Davis, Rory Grennan, Rob Rubero, Michaela Westmoreland, Haley McGuyre, Terryon Larkins, Gabriela Azeem-Angel, Trey Woodall, and Alice Fabela
FSU Special Collections & Archives (SCA) has taken over the administrative responsibility of the World War II Archives. In July 2022, these collections were physically transferred to Special Collections & Archives and are now housed across the storage spaces of Pepper Library and Strozier Library.
Moved 2,500 LF of materials, including manuscripts, photographs, art, artifacts, armaments, and textiles; continued to provide research service for these collections during transfer; remediate and align descriptive practice of these collections in ArchivesSpace
William R. Jones Papers
Strategic Alignment
Ensure Equitable Access to Information
Rory Grennan, Krystal Thomas, Kieran Stenson, Michaela Westmoreland, and Gaby Azeem-Angel
Continuing, multi-year processing project to improve access to personal papers of FSU faculty member and founding director of FSU African American Studies program.
Improved ASpace finding aid. Identified priorities for preservation and digitization among sound and video recordings. Migration of prioritized digital content from legacy media to SCA servers and PASS.
Book collections growing appropriately.