Finding Theses and Dissertations

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Questions about policies and submission of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) can be directed to The Graduate School’s Manuscript Clearance Advisor, 850-644-0045. 

Questions about access to ETDs can be directed to University Libraries’ repository manager.

About ETDs at FSU

The production, approval, access and long-term preservation of theses and dissertations at Florida State University is a joint effort of The Graduate School, University Libraries and ProQuest/UMI. The Graduate School manages the policies and processing of these manuscripts with students and academic departments; ProQuest includes the manuscript in their Dissertation and Theses Database (PQDT); University Libraries preserves and makes the manuscripts accessible through the library.

FSU requires electronic submission of theses and dissertations (ETDs) using ProQuest’s UMI ETD Administrator system. The graduate manuscripts are also archived in FSU's Institutional Repository, a service of University Libraries. All theses and dissertations are also cataloged in the University Libraries OneSearch.

Browse theses and dissertations produced at FSU from 2003 to present in the FSU Repository. Thesis and dissertations produced prior to 2003 are recorded in the catalog. Many of them are held in the Special Collections department. 

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (All records)
With more than 2 million entries, PQD&T is the single, central, authoritative resource for information about doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Dissertations published from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts written by the author. Master's theses published from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts.

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
Provides access to over 5 million records of dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries catalogs in the WorldCat database.

Many theses and dissertations done by educators are indexed in this database.

Purchase a copy through ProQuest
Purchase unbound copies of dissertations and theses with express delivery to your home, school or office. Select from the over 1.9 million graduate works available.

Center for Research Libraries foreign dissertations
More than 750,000 dissertations produced for universities outside of the United States and Canada.

Theses Canada Portal
Approximately 300,000 records of theses and dissertations on microform in Library and Archives Canada's collection. Of these approximately 50,000 are also available electronically.

Index to Theses
A comprehensive listing of theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716.

Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
Access to the research literature pre- and post-peer-review through author self-archiving in institutional repositories.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
Browse or search through several ETD collections, typically across multiple institutions at once.