Location: Strozier Library
Capacity: 1 person
Loan Period: 4 Hour Loan
Available to: FSU Undergraduate Students, Graduate and Faculty
Please see Scholar Support Desk for availability
These wheelchair-accessible spaces on the second floor are for individuals only, for 4 hours. They provide a quiet, private room for individuals of all abilities.
The rooms are equipped with an adjustable height desk; large-print, high-contrast keyboard; and two vertical, ergonomic mice. We have many other individual spaces: we ask that you only use this room if you will be using the listed equipment.
Keys are available by request at the Scholar Support Desk for first come, first served. No booking is required.
The room may be renewed if there are other keys available and no one is on the waitlist.
The rooms can be hard to find: please refer to our written directions to the room or our video directions to the room