Faculty Assembly

The Florida State University Libraries Faculty Assembly is the representative body of faculty librarians at Florida State University Libraries.

The Faculty Assembly shares significantly in the governance of the FSU Libraries. Members participate in discussions of library policies, services, and programs; administer faculty promotions; participate in recruitment of new library faculty; facilitate information sharing; foster a collegial work environment; and promote the interests of the library profession.

View the bylaws of the Florida State University Libraries Faculty Assembly (updated April 2022)

Below, you will find a listing of standing Faculty Assembly Committees. For more information about any of these committees, please contact Faculty Senate Executive Committee Vice-Chair or Secretary.

Executive Committee

The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee is charged with overseeing the work of all other standing and ad-hoc committees within the Florida State University Libraries.

  • ​Chair: Scott Schmucker
  • Vice-Chair: Camille Thomas
  • Secretary: Taylor Henning
  • Member-at-Large: Andrea Cox
  • Parliamentarian: Brian Arsenault

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee is responsible for the review of the Faculty Assembly Bylaws. It collaborates with the Executive Committee and Associate Dean for Administrative Services to propose and draft updates and changes to the Florida State University Faculty Assembly Bylaws. The Bylaws Committee is responsible for the overall supervision and conduct of all nominations and elections for the Libraries Faculty Assembly.

Professional Development, Research & Travel (PDRT) Committee

The PDRT committee is charged with developing, identifying, and promoting opportunities that enhance faculty professional development and research. The committee collaborates with the Executive Committee, Faculty Assembly standing committees, and internal and external partners to design a robust series of training and discussion opportunities throughout the academic year. PDRT also compiles and maintains an extensive list of professional development resources for library faculty.

In-Unit Promotion Committee

The In-Unit Promotion Committee is responsible for the annual review of promotion binders of all prospective candidates. It collaborates with the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement and the University Libraries’ Associate Dean for Administrative Services to determine eligibility, provide information sessions and supporting documentation for the candidates and make recommendations to the Dean of Libraries.

Mentoring Committee

The Mentoring Committee shall collaborate with the appropriate library personnel to conduct a formalized mentoring program by which mentors will assist new faculty members in understanding the culture of the Libraries and the University; assist them in understanding and navigating the promotion and merit processes; and help new faculty to seek University, state, and national-level mentoring opportunities.

Faculty Senate

  • Faculty Senator: Bridgett Birmingham

Faculty Evaluation Committee

The Faculty Evaluation Committee is responsible for peer evaluations of all in-unit library faculty according to established guidelines for such and for making recommendations to the faculty regarding evaluation and merit procedures. The Faculty Evaluation Committee functions in accordance with the Libraries' criteria and procedure for evaluation and merit.

Faculty Affairs Committee

The Faculty Affairs Committee advances the Faculty Assembly's broad charge to facilitate communication and information sharing, promote the discussion of issues and concern to librarians, and to foster an environment of professionalism and collegiality. The Faculty Affairs Committee is also responsible for proactively organizing activities and initiatives related to the facilitation of communication and information sharing among the Libraries’ faculty. This includes being responsible for the planning and execution of Faculty Assembly-sponsored open forums.

For more information, please contact Executive Committee Chair or Secretary.