Enhance Research & Scholarship

FSU Libraries Website Refresh

Due to a significant Drupal software upgrade requirement, the FSU Libraries website needs to be migrated to a new infrastructure. This upgrade provides an opportunity to refresh the website to improve user experience and advance our interface to best meet the needs of the FSU community.
Initiative Leads
Jess Barmon, Web Services Librarian
Lindsey Wharton, Extended Campus and Distance Services Librarian
Phase 1a - Website Feedback and User Testing (November 2021 - February 2022): Using surveys, open forums, and other communication tools, we will identify opportunities for improvement for our current website. We will also work with the UX Group to perform user testing and analysis that will provide insight into how our users utilize our website and uncover roadblocks with the goal of integrating feedback into an iterative design process.

Phase 1b - Website Content Review (November 2021 - February 2022): This phase will include a web content review with the goal of assessing, and improving our overall content structure and pages for clarity, discoverability, accessibility, and usability. As part of this assessment, we will perform a comparative analysis of other academic library websites in order to adopt and model best practices.

Phase 2a - Wireframes, Mockups, Themes: Design and Testing (January 2022 - June 2022): Using the feedback from phase 1, we will design an improved website interface. As new features and interface changes are implemented and tested, the Web Advisory Group will be consulted for final approval.

Phase 2b - Drupal 9 Infrastructure Design and Implementation (January 2022 - June 2022): A parallel workflow to phase 2a, our Digital Infrastructure team will be working on AWS Cloud Formation templates to deploy a highly available, scalable environment for our Drupal 9 website deployment.

Phase 3 - New Website Launch (May 2022 - July 2022): This phase will include communication with various stakeholders regarding any changes and improvements made to our website, training content editors, and performing additional testing and assessment of our new infrastructure.

FSU Libraries Recruitment Process Improvement Initiative

FSU Human Resources will be involved by providing guidance and advice on adherence to university policies. We may also consult with the President’s Council on D&I (Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee) and the recommendation from the Anti-Racism Task Force group. We will also contact the College of Business Center for HR regarding research on recruitment strategies.

The team will identify best practices pertaining to all phases of the recruitment process. We will modify vacancy announcements to be more inclusive, identify a list of appropriate and helpful venues for posting ads, review and articulate a clear and effective workflow for the recruitment process, establish training requirements to application review and candidate evaluations, review and modify the interview process, and ensure appropriate resources are provided for future search committees.
Initiative Leads
Bridgett Birmingham, Diversity and Inclusion Librarian
Favenzio Calvo, Director of Software Development
Erica Cooper, former Library Tutoring and Engagement Specialist
Susannah Miller, Associate Dean of Administrative Services
We have completed this process and a new, improved process is now available on the internal wiki. We have also established a new, improved, more inclusive and effective recruitment process.

FSU Islandora Migration

The FSU Digital Repository is shifting from being hosted under FLVC's architecture to one that is maintained, in-house, by FSU Libraries. The migration involves a complex, multi-layered process that includes: building and sustaining this technical infrastructure in a cloud-based computing environment (Amazon Web Services), deploying an updated version of the repository's software stack (Islandora) within this environment, and transferring the contents of the old repository to the new one in a way that maintains their integrity and discoverability. Updates to the overall look and feel of the repository are also being implemented in addition to new features and functionalities that were not available through the old system.
Initiative Leads
Jean Phillips, former Associate Dean for Technology and Digital Scholarship
David Rodriguez, Digital Services Librarian

Florida State Open Publishing

Florida State Open Publishing (FSOP) places FSU Libraries’ support for open access publishing and digital project development under one initiative. FSOP provides publishing services for journals, monographs, open educational resources, and digital scholarship projects. We consult on a variety of scholarly publishing topics and digital research tools and methodologies. We aim to provide open access publishing expertise, services, and platforms to enhance the scholarly output of Florida State University students, faculty, and staff. FSOP services include:
*Journal and monograph hosting
*Copyright and licensing guidance
*Indexing and discovery support
*Usage metrics and altmetrics
*Light layout and typesetting
*DOI, ISSN, ISBN registration
*Digital preservation
*Digital scholarship consultation

Initiative Leads
Devin Soper, Director of the Office of Digital Research and Scholarship
Laura Miller, former visiting Open Publishing Librarian
Published the following:
*Four issues of the Journal of Postsecondary Student Success (https://journals.flvc.org/jpss/issue/archive).
*Two issues of Athanor (https://journals.flvc.org/athanor/issue/archive).
*A volume of essays celebrating the work of educational researcher John Holland (https://manifold.lib.fsu.edu/projects/reardon-holland-festschrift).
*The Forgotten Canopy: A UCLA Plant Guidebook (https://manifold.lib.fsu.edu/projects/ucla-guidebook).
*Completed production work for three volumes of poetry by Bernard Binlin Dadie, translated by Peggy Wright Cleveland (forthcoming).

*A new Open Publishing Assistant to support the initiative has been recruited.
*One open textbook with revisions from the author has been updated.
*In addition, one new issue of the Journal of Postsecondary Student Success has been published.

*Launched new Florida State Open Publishing (FSOP) website at http://publishing.lib.fsu.edu/
*Developed strategic communications plan for FSOP
*Published Bio-Inspired Sensory Systems: Using Natural Photo-, Mechano-, and Chemo-Sensory Systems for Design Inspiration by Dr. Geoffrey Brooks
*Published From Growing to Biology: Plants 1e by Dr. Gokhan Hacisalihoglu
*Republished an edited volume, Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice in Vocational Psychology: Current Status and Future Directions
*Supported Dr. Shouping Hu in preparing the inaugural issue of the Journal of Postsecondary Student Success, scheduled to be published in September 2021 at https://journals.flvc.org/jpss

Enhancing Online Learning at the Libraries with Articulate 360

Led by the Teaching, Learning & Engagement Instruction & Reference Unit, the Reference & Instruction Librarian and Library Instruction Specialist will use Articulate 360, a suite of e-learning authoring applications, to create online learning objects, such as web-based lessons and modules that can integrate with Canvas. This work will meet the information literacy-related instruction needs of FSU learners in an accessible and mobile-friendly format. We will also use the software to create asynchronous internal training materials. These materials will support employee onboarding processes as well as library-wide projects. Other library personnel will also be trained on how to use the software if they identify a need to create online learning materials related to their operations and areas of expertise.
Initiative Leads
Liz Dunne, Instruction and Reference Librarian
Lisa Play, Library Instruction Specialist
Based on evaluation data (both assessing the efficacy of the instruction by measuring how many learners met the stated learning objectives and assessing learners' attitudes towards the tutorial), we made substantial updates to our ENC2135 Library Research Basics Tutorial. We also conducted a focus group with ENC 2135 instructors to collect in-depth feedback on the tutorial to make further improvements to it. The tutorial continues to meet learner needs and be well received by students and instructors alike. In continuing to use this tutorial to cover more rote database instruction, we have been able to launch a new in-person synchronous instruction offering for ENC 2135 classes that is more discussion-based and allows learners to get personalized feedback while practicing research skills to complete their assignments. Outputs include significant updates made to all of our existing online instruction materials in response to collected assessment data. We have begun planning a new tutorial geared towards teaching learners about ethical attribution and citing sources in the major citation styles, and we have identified opportunities for developing content pertaining to AI and digital literacy. We have also started talks with our peers in charge of the new Dirac Media Suite about working together to create training materials instructing folks on how to utilize all the Suite's features.

In the last six months, the Teaching, Learning & Engagement Instruction & Reference Unit, the Reference & Instruction Librarian and Library Instruction Specialist have created and distributed multiple interactive tutorials with Articulate 360. These tutorials include ENC 2135 modules, a Reference Associate training module, a Crafting a Research Question for UROP students, and other projects in progress.

E-resources Usage Statistics Platform

This initiative proposes to create a platform on AWS to store and process e-resource usage data. It will consist of a data harvester, database and front-end interface to query the data. The completed product will allow subject librarians, the FSU Libraries' collections committee, and others access to up-to-date e-resource usage statistics data. This will facilitate improved collection management and purchasing decisions across the Libraries.
Initiative Leads
Elissa Reiskind, Library Associate
Jim Snowden, Systems Administrator
In the past six months a functional test system has been implemented. This system consists of a server, which hosts a basic web front-end, that is connected to a database back-end. Sample usage data files are currently being prepared for loading.

A development environment with a Docker container on AWS has been established. Methods for resource de-duplication have been identified.

Diverse Voices in STEM

The Diverse Voices in FSU STEM project seeks to call attention to the challenges faced by diverse and underrepresented groups in STEM as they progress through their academic career. This program aims to engage the entire FSU community in conversations that highlight what it means to be a STEM scholar in terms of one’s STEM identity. As part of the project, we will establish an in-person speaker series during which individual speakers will share their stories about what it means to them to be a STEM scholar.
Initiative Leads
Kelly Grove, GIS and Earth Sciences Librarian
Emily McClellan, Student Engagement Specialist
Denise Wetzel, former STEM Research & Learning Librarian
A Diverse Voices in STEM Symposium was held on March 2, 2023. This symposium will featured two faculty speakers and a graduate student panel with three current graduate students. Additionally we will be adding three blog and video posts featuring other STEM scholars here at FSU.

Diverse Voices in STEM Speaker Series held three online speaker events in the fall of 2021, where we saw 82 attendees over the three events. For the spring of 2022, there are two scheduled speaker events to be held virtually. More information can be found at https://diversevoices.create.fsu.edu/

FSU Digital Repository Migration

The FSU Digital Repository is shifting from being hosted under FLVC's architecture to one that is maintained, in-house, by FSU Libraries. The migration involves a complex, multi-layered process that includes: building and sustaining this technical infrastructure in a cloud-based computing environment, deploying an updated version of the repository's software stack within this environment, and transferring the contents of the old repository to the new one in a way that maintains their integrity and discoverability.
Initiative Leads
Jean Phillips, former Associate Dean for Technology and Digital Scholarship
Dave Rodriguez, Digital Services Librarian

Create FSU - FSU Libraries Web Hosting for Digital Projects

This initiative will provide web hosting for digital projects through an educational technology company called Reclaim Hosting. This service would be available to any FSU faculty members, graduate students, or undergraduate Honors students who wants a web domain to host content related to their research, meeting both research and pedagogical needs for which there is currently no solution on campus.
Initiative Leads
Sarah Stanley, Digital Humanities Librarian
Matt Hunter, Digital Scholarship Librarian
As of February of 2023, CreateFSU has over 65 active accounts where content is being authored and published. During 2022 we created a Projects Exhibit page to highlight example projects and give prospective users an idea of what they could use CreateFSU to make: https://create.fsu.edu/projects-exhibit. We have surpassed the 50 total accounts we wished to create within the first year. We have also distributed a report to key partners on campus, including ITS, the digital humanities advisory board, and to our libraries colleagues.

There are currently 17 total live user accounts, and about 15 more accounts will be created in the next month. Partnerships have been developed with several campus units, including the Honors in the Major program. The onboarding and workflow procedures that have been developed are being used to facilitate account creation.

We are now in the implementation phase for CreateFSU. Reclaim Hosting's services have been acquired, and the website is now live at https://create.fsu.edu. We are in the process of seeking new users for the pilot program, and we already have a few accounts set up.

Course Adopted eResources Program

This initiative builds upon the Course Adopted eResources Program through development of an eTextbook portal to serve as the center of communication, promotion, and course-adopted library-licensed eResource access for instructors and students. Additionally, this initiative bolsters advocacy for the program as part of the broader Libraries’ collection strategy through coordination with stakeholders to assess and expand the program as well as acquisition of unlimited eBook titles assigned as course materials.
Initiative Leads
Lindsey Wharton, Extended Campus and Distance Services Librarian
We have successfully continued our work identifying and targeting courses with available eTextbook options with an increase of 29% increase of titles identified in 2022 in comparison to 2021. We have worked with numerous instructors on purchasing Unlimited User Licenses for materials they assign to their classes to continue lessening the burden of cost for students, communicating availability of the program across campus, and demonstrating impact of the program through website analytics and feedback. In total, our funding has supported us purchasing over 200 assigned titles and having the necessary OPS support to complete the analysis each semester.

We coordinated the cross-analysis of eBook collections identified by the bookstore and provided by the Provost's office as course adopted materials with a 29% increase of titles in comparison in 2021 with 1,205 titles identified for Spring 2022, 1,500 titles identified for Summer & Fall 2022, and 997 titles identified in Spring 2023. Potential savings for students has now exceeded five million dollars. Our team developed a new Course Materials landing page to improve navigation and accessibility of this resource. Our program has continued to receive national recognition in the field through requested consultations an presentations to share our success.