The development and implementation of GIS and spatial data services within the library are designed to enhance data information literacy and critical thinking skills throughout the FSU community but with a focus on STEM scholars. This will be done through educational and research services to students and faculty that enhance their data information literacy competencies. These services compliment existing GIS services in other campus units and departments by providing open source alternatives as well as integrating open science concepts into spatial data research and teaching.
Strategic Alignment
Initiative Leads
Kelly Grove, GIS and Earth Sciences Librarian
The GIS for Success Workshop Series is still occurring each semester and has lead to some one-on-one consultations with graduate students working on dissertations and thesis so that they may make their own maps. The number of request for class instructions sessions focused on GIS related tools has increased. Finally with the title change of the initiative lead from STEM Research and Learning Librarian to GIS and Earth Sciences there have been more questions about library GIS and spatial data services along with request to meet to learn more about how the library may be involved in projects. In both the spring and fall semesters of 2022 two GIS for Success workshop series have been held. Additionally Kelly Grove has successfully been accepted to participate in the IMLS grant funded program‚ Developing Specialized Data Curation Training to Address Needed Expertise in Focused Areas‚ hosted by the Digital Curation Network (DCN). Kelly Grove has also had two book chapters published in the new ACRL Data Literacy Cookbook that came out in the fall of 2022. These two chapters provide the steps and necessary tools required to put on two different QGIS workshops.
A survey has been sent out to Association of Research Libraries and select FSU faculty departments regarding GIS and spatial data services. The results have been collected and analyzed. There is ongoing work to compile the results into reports to share with senior leadership and also into an article to submit for publication to a journal. GIS workshops have been held, with plans for more workshops in the spring.
The GIS for Success Workshop Series is still occurring each semester and has lead to some one-on-one consultations with graduate students working on dissertations and thesis so that they may make their own maps. The number of request for class instructions sessions focused on GIS related tools has increased. Finally with the title change of the initiative lead from STEM Research and Learning Librarian to GIS and Earth Sciences there have been more questions about library GIS and spatial data services along with request to meet to learn more about how the library may be involved in projects. In both the spring and fall semesters of 2022 two GIS for Success workshop series have been held. Additionally Kelly Grove has successfully been accepted to participate in the IMLS grant funded program‚ Developing Specialized Data Curation Training to Address Needed Expertise in Focused Areas‚ hosted by the Digital Curation Network (DCN). Kelly Grove has also had two book chapters published in the new ACRL Data Literacy Cookbook that came out in the fall of 2022. These two chapters provide the steps and necessary tools required to put on two different QGIS workshops.
A survey has been sent out to Association of Research Libraries and select FSU faculty departments regarding GIS and spatial data services. The results have been collected and analyzed. There is ongoing work to compile the results into reports to share with senior leadership and also into an article to submit for publication to a journal. GIS workshops have been held, with plans for more workshops in the spring.