Invest in People

Open Scholars Project

Open Scholars Project (OSP) is an informal forum for FSU researchers and scholars to learn about and share their experiences with open publishing, open source code and open data across subject areas. The OSP aims to create a group that is action-oriented and supportive in bringing faculty and early career researchers, including postdocs and graduate students together. University of Wisconsin at Madison, North Carolina State University and Utrecht University have created similar communities of practice for open access.
Initiative Leads
Camille Thomas
We held virtual and hybrid events in 2022 (FY22-23). Hybrid events were catered and we created wearable buttons, which we sent to members to promote the group. We also began planning a symposium and fellows program, which have been postponed.

We still have regular attendance of approximately 10 - 15 people for the monthly meetings. We created a code of conduct, email listserv and organized a tour of the Mag Lab ( one of our most engaged partners). A researcher from the Mag Lab joined our organizing taskforce. We also brought in speakers for the events during Open Access Week.

We are still in the planning stages for the 'project seed' funding. After the new Open Science Librarian joined and consulting with the finance team about allowable expenses, we want to move to an emphasis on personnel similar to the data fellows program before coordinating with centers and partners who've shown engagement. We also learned people attend based on the topic, which was not fostering interdisciplinary community and attendance was beginning to dwindle, so we decided to move to a semester schedule instead of monthly and hold symposium featuring multiple topics and invite members of the community using open data.

Internal Communications Team

Our initiative is to improve internal communication within the library. We hope to understand our current environment, develop recommendations for better information sharing, and to reinforce good communication policies and practices.

We also hope to understand how internal communication is perceived, used, and preferred. By doing so this will help streamline and facilitate stronger communication between units, departments, and the libraries as a whole.
Initiative Leads
Courtney Felder, Meagan Bonnell, Liz Rodriguez
To date we have implemented effective methods of communication and sharing information. This includes tools such as SharePoint, OneDrive, the Wiki, Teams and the Employee Newsletter. In addition we have completed the following:

Created the Internal Communication Guidelines for the library and continue to evaluate as needed.

Hosted a Wiki Edit-a-thon in the fall.
Administered the Internal Communication Survey in the fall. From the survey results we completed the Internal Communication Review and presented our findings to LibTeam. In this review is where we stated out our recommendations on how to improve internal communication.

ICT is currently working with a member of the WebDev team to implement and update SharePoint.

Supporting 3D and Immersive Scholarship @ FSU Libraries

This initiative is for the expansion of support for immersive scholarship on campus–this includes research and teaching that utilizes 3D data through the forms of 3D printing, virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive 3D publications. Funding has been allocated to allow hiring a graduate assistant to help with development of workshops and 3D/VR models.

For several years, the Office of Digital Research and Scholarship (DRS) has collaborated with faculty and students on finding, evaluating, and implementing digital tools and technologies into their research to create innovative scholarly outputs. One version of this support includes consultation and partnership on immersive scholarship such as 3D printing and virtual reality. This new initiative provides additional resources to strengthen research support for the use and application of three-dimensional data, and the technologies that generate and utilize it, throughout all stages of the research cycle. This initiative adds a graduate research assistant to supplement the current faculty librarian and the technology available for this work: a pair of FDM 3D printers, a high-resolution SLA 3D printer, a high-powered desktop workstation, and a high-powered laptop/3D scanner combination. These services are housed in the R&D Commons, a space in the basement of Strozier Library which provides a space for workshops and consultations.

An overarching outcome for this project will be an increase in the facility with which FSU researchers can utilize 3D data in their research. This initiative will contribute to this by assisting research partners in developing 3D objects and scholarly outputs that utilize them. It will also foster a collaborative environment on campus, and build an interdisciplinary community of practice by developing and hosting workshops, tutorials, and events such as symposia to share skills and knowledge across campus.
Initiative Leads
Matt Hunter, Digital Scholarship Librarian
This year, we have launched our Photogrammetry Institute event series, continued to deepen research partnerships with researchers in departments across campus, and streamlined our services to emphasize community building and research support while maintaining our consultation services, and offloading production services that fit better within other campus departments. We also officially sunsetted our 3D printing services and began to focus on building community with the Innovation Hub and Research Computing Center to better coordinate services across campus. To date, we've hosted two very successful Photogrammetry Institute events of a planned seven events this semester, and collaborated with scholars in the Art History department to produce a publication at We also contributed expertise in 3D printing services for researchers in the Art History and Biomechanical engineering departments to contribute to two forthcoming publications. Additionally, we have made great strides in fostering a community of practice around photogrammetry and immersive media across campus through our Photogrammetry Institute and related marketing and outreach strategies, resulting in project consultations with several new research partners.

Over the last six months, the graduate assistant hired as part of this initiative has made great progress in developing the skills and learning the technologies involved in the role. Progress has also been made in the expansion of the FSU Digital Repository’s capability to preserve and present 3D models through library-hosted services. This has resulted in a prototype 3D model viewer that is under assessment for full implementation. The team has also begun to gather materials for the development of documentation and policy for the next stage of this project.

Project Enhancement Network & Incubator (PEN & Inc)

The digital project incubator will provide targeted support to a limited number of faculty and student projects in digital humanities and digital scholarship. This incubator program will allow the Digital Humanities Librarian and Digital Scholarship Librarian to provide targeted support to 5-10 members of the university community each semester (10-20 over the course of an academic year). This support will help these community members kickstart their digital projects. Project support funds will be provided to these incubator participants so they can purchase goods and services to enhance their projects or present their nascent projects at conferences to enhance the reputation of the university in digital research. This program will synergize with the CreateFSU strategic initiative, as each incubator participant will be given a CreateFSU account to build up the web-presence of their digital projects.
Initiative Leads
Sarah Stanley, Digital Humanities Librarian
Matt Hunter, Digital Scholarship Librarian
In the past year, we wrapped up our 2021-22 cohort with a recognition event and projects showcase. Additionally, we accepted 15 new members to the 2022-2023 cohort. The current cohort is the largest cohort to date, with the broadest representation from different departments and colleges. The largest milestone we achieved was welcoming the largest cohort to date. Additionally, we were able to welcome participants from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Fine Arts, Music, Engineering, Education, Entrepreneurship and others.

The Incubator initiative leads put out a call for proposals in Fall 2021 and have selected the first cohort. The group is now in the process of building their websites, meeting as a group to discuss progress, and supporting each other in developing their projects.

Library-Wide Professional Development

This initiative will establish a lasting professional development group that spends dedicated time to creating, providing, and facilitating professional development opportunities library-wide. Through programming and sub-committee work this group hopes to enhance professional development across the Libraries. The group will send out a yearly survey to assess professional development interests and needs throughout the library and plan out action-oriented steps to fill those gaps.
Initiative Leads
Nikki Morse, former Event and Marketing Manager
Kelly Grove, GIS and Earth Sciences Librarian
Susannah Miller, Associate Dean of Administrative Services
*We held several programming and development opportunities despite obstacles presented by the pandemic, limited budget and time constraints. Those opportunities included revived Lunch and Learns, several successful Staff Mentoring Cohorts and our first library-wide team building activity, the Holiday Office Decor Contest.
*We elected new staff and faculty co-chairs to lead the group (Shaundra Lee, Staff Co-Chair and Alex Chisum, Faculty Co-Chair).
*Restructured some of the sub-committees (i.e. OPS/FWS Professional Development) for productivity and new leadership throughout."
*Mentor/Mentee program is still going strong after nearly three years. Spring 2023 class had 12 matches which is highly significant especially for our non-faculty library employees.
*Hosted a special talk on Academic Library Burnout that was very successful, with over 60 library employees attending and providing positive feedback
*Held the first Holiday Office Decor contest with a pizza party and donut party for the prize. The contest fostered camaraderie, teamwork and a sense of pride in work area and accomplishment.

*Multiple Professional Development Days (2020 and 2021 virtually) and other professional development programs have been hosted in partnership with Faculty Professional Development Research and Travel committee, Diversity and Inclusion committee, and the Internal Communication Team.
*A staff mentorship program has been established and is available to all Libraries employees.
*A line of communication has been established between all professional development-related programming in the library. Semesterly meetings are held with leadership of multiply committees to unify professional development programming throughout the Libraries.

Library New Employee Onboarding

This strategic initiative will create a group charged with organizing and implementing an on-boarding process for new Libraries faculty and staff. This includes the creation of a workflow that helps new employees understand how the Libraries work, who we are, and how we communicate. While there is a goal to create a comprehensive workflow for new employees and their supervisors, this will also create a positive experience while they adjust to their new working environments and colleagues.
Initiative Leads
Jessica Barmon, Web Services Librarian
Sarah Miller, former Administrative Specialist
Susannah Miller, Associate Dean of Adminstrative Services
Louis Brooks, Head of Systems Digital Infrastructure
Mallary Rawls, Humanities Librarian
Theresa Haworth, Administrative Support Assistant
We have established the needs and uses cases for new employees, which allows to address where to begin. We also have gathered research on other onboarding procedures to get an idea of what we want to focus on. However, due to a significant number of transitions, and summer break weeks, we have decided to take a break until September, where we hope schedules will stabilize. Several of our groups member also resigned and we do not have a group makeup reflective of the users, so we hope to add more members to the group when we begin again.

Improving access to collections through Inclusive Metadata Implementation

This initiative seeks to redress inequities and injustice in the descriptive language and narrative framing of archives, special collections, and the institutional repository. In this phase of work, we will apply conscious editing principles to metadata in ArchivesSpace and the FSU Digital Repository. Conscious editing is an active, critical awareness of bias, privilege, and power and an ethos of deliberate care used in the assessment, creation, and refinement of descriptive texts. One outcome of conscious editing is the increased accessibility of our collections in unserved and underserved communities seeking meaningful connections with their histories. Collection and object descriptions will undergo a metadata gap analysis to identify harmful and outdated terms and prioritized for remediation. The analysis will require a combination of computational queries and manual analysis. After the initial analysis, a small collection will be identified for a pilot remediation project and a prioritization document will be produced along with documentation for workflows and practices to remediate legacy collections and to incorporate conscious descriptive practice in work going forward.

This initiative supports ethical and inclusive descriptive practices at Florida State University Libraries by encouraging the ongoing, reflective examination of legacy descriptions, by engaging colleagues in a continuous dialog about that examination, and by connecting practice with scholarship, theory, and contemporary social justice activism.
Initiative Leads
Keila Zayas Ruiz, Sunshine State Digital Network Coordinator
We have continued to review and update records identified in our priority list. We posted a statement in the FSU Digital Repository about the work and how to provide feedback.
Launched feedback form in the FSU Digital Repository for reporting language and content concerns. Over 5,000 records have been reviewed and 1500 records updated from five different collections.

Project milestones include:
*A sub-collection of Bradford Eppes
*Pride Student Union
*Holocaust Collection
*Davis Houck Papers
*HUA Photographs
*Updated the Seminole Symbol finding aid in consultation with the Head of Manuscripts.
*Documentation that has been created include:
*Annotated bibliography
*Decision tree
*Priority lists for the FSU Digital Repository and ArchivesSpace
*Recommendations for Inclusive Cataloging practices.
*Posted statement in the FSU Digital Repository about the work and how to provide feedback.
*Launched feedback form in the FSU Digital Repository for reporting language and content concerns."

FSU Libraries Recruitment Process Improvement Initiative

FSU Human Resources will be involved by providing guidance and advice on adherence to university policies. We may also consult with the President’s Council on D&I (Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee) and the recommendation from the Anti-Racism Task Force group. We will also contact the College of Business Center for HR regarding research on recruitment strategies.

The team will identify best practices pertaining to all phases of the recruitment process. We will modify vacancy announcements to be more inclusive, identify a list of appropriate and helpful venues for posting ads, review and articulate a clear and effective workflow for the recruitment process, establish training requirements to application review and candidate evaluations, review and modify the interview process, and ensure appropriate resources are provided for future search committees.
Initiative Leads
Bridgett Birmingham, Diversity and Inclusion Librarian
Favenzio Calvo, Director of Software Development
Erica Cooper, former Library Tutoring and Engagement Specialist
Susannah Miller, Associate Dean of Administrative Services
We have completed this process and a new, improved process is now available on the internal wiki. We have also established a new, improved, more inclusive and effective recruitment process.

Enhancing Online Learning at the Libraries with Articulate 360

Led by the Teaching, Learning & Engagement Instruction & Reference Unit, the Reference & Instruction Librarian and Library Instruction Specialist will use Articulate 360, a suite of e-learning authoring applications, to create online learning objects, such as web-based lessons and modules that can integrate with Canvas. This work will meet the information literacy-related instruction needs of FSU learners in an accessible and mobile-friendly format. We will also use the software to create asynchronous internal training materials. These materials will support employee onboarding processes as well as library-wide projects. Other library personnel will also be trained on how to use the software if they identify a need to create online learning materials related to their operations and areas of expertise.
Initiative Leads
Liz Dunne, Instruction and Reference Librarian
Lisa Play, Library Instruction Specialist
Based on evaluation data (both assessing the efficacy of the instruction by measuring how many learners met the stated learning objectives and assessing learners' attitudes towards the tutorial), we made substantial updates to our ENC2135 Library Research Basics Tutorial. We also conducted a focus group with ENC 2135 instructors to collect in-depth feedback on the tutorial to make further improvements to it. The tutorial continues to meet learner needs and be well received by students and instructors alike. In continuing to use this tutorial to cover more rote database instruction, we have been able to launch a new in-person synchronous instruction offering for ENC 2135 classes that is more discussion-based and allows learners to get personalized feedback while practicing research skills to complete their assignments. Outputs include significant updates made to all of our existing online instruction materials in response to collected assessment data. We have begun planning a new tutorial geared towards teaching learners about ethical attribution and citing sources in the major citation styles, and we have identified opportunities for developing content pertaining to AI and digital literacy. We have also started talks with our peers in charge of the new Dirac Media Suite about working together to create training materials instructing folks on how to utilize all the Suite's features.

In the last six months, the Teaching, Learning & Engagement Instruction & Reference Unit, the Reference & Instruction Librarian and Library Instruction Specialist have created and distributed multiple interactive tutorials with Articulate 360. These tutorials include ENC 2135 modules, a Reference Associate training module, a Crafting a Research Question for UROP students, and other projects in progress.

Create FSU - FSU Libraries Web Hosting for Digital Projects

This initiative will provide web hosting for digital projects through an educational technology company called Reclaim Hosting. This service would be available to any FSU faculty members, graduate students, or undergraduate Honors students who wants a web domain to host content related to their research, meeting both research and pedagogical needs for which there is currently no solution on campus.
Initiative Leads
Sarah Stanley, Digital Humanities Librarian
Matt Hunter, Digital Scholarship Librarian
As of February of 2023, CreateFSU has over 65 active accounts where content is being authored and published. During 2022 we created a Projects Exhibit page to highlight example projects and give prospective users an idea of what they could use CreateFSU to make: We have surpassed the 50 total accounts we wished to create within the first year. We have also distributed a report to key partners on campus, including ITS, the digital humanities advisory board, and to our libraries colleagues.

There are currently 17 total live user accounts, and about 15 more accounts will be created in the next month. Partnerships have been developed with several campus units, including the Honors in the Major program. The onboarding and workflow procedures that have been developed are being used to facilitate account creation.

We are now in the implementation phase for CreateFSU. Reclaim Hosting's services have been acquired, and the website is now live at We are in the process of seeking new users for the pilot program, and we already have a few accounts set up.